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Share ownership

Summary of share listings: Tickers Codes and ISIN Numbers.

WPP PLC Ordinary Shares       WPP PLC ADRs
Symbol WPP LN        Symbol WPP
Underlying ISIN JE00B8KF9B49           ADR: Ordinary Share Ratio 1:5
SEDOL B8KF0B4 GB             ADR ISIN US92937A1025
Trading Platform London Stock Exchange              Depository Bank Citibank N.A.
Country United Kingdom     Trading Platform NYSE
Country United Kingdom

Confirmation of WPP's voting rights and capital is released monthly and these press releases are available here.

Share owners' register
A register of share owners' interests is kept at the WPP parent company and is available for inspection on request. The register includes information on nominee accounts and their beneficial owners.

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