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Sustainability at WPP

WPP aims to make a positive long-term contribution to society and the environment. We advise clients on sustainability issues and we take action in our business to improve our own performance.

We focus on six priority sustainability themes that are important for WPP and support our relationships with clients, employees, investors and other stakeholders. These are:

  • Our client work – providing sustainability services to clients and applying high ethical standards to the way we work, including protecting consumer privacy.
  • Employment – adopting leading employment practices to recruit, retain and develop our people.
  • Environment - cutting our environmental impact including reducing our carbon footprint.
  • Supply chain - integrating sustainability into our procurement decisions.
  • Social investment – supporting charities, through pro bono work, donations and volunteering and by negotiating free media space for charity campaigns.
  • Governance and management – managing sustainability risks and opportunities in our businesses.

Read more about how we work in our Annual Report and Accounts and on our sustainability website. You can also view many of our award-winning social and environmental campaigns on our pro bono website.