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How Not To Name: The path to a trademarkable brand name is steep and treacherous

BlackBerry: an unexpected, undescriptive name can succeed even with a supposedly risk-averse audience
At some point in your career, you may face the daunting prospect of naming a company or product. The path to a trademarkable brand name is steep and treacherous. Curvy, too. Fortunately, help is here. The six tips below offer suggestions for what you shouldn’t - and most importantly - what you should do to get on the most direct path to a winning name.
  1. Wait until the very last minute
  2. Be sure the new name is descriptive, begins with the letter A, and has absolutely no negative connotations
  3. Alternatively, develop names that have no meaning whatsoever
  4. Invite the entire company to brainstorm over pizza
  5. Then have a contest
  6. Have a focus group to pick the winner

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Anthony Shore was born without a name; he’s spent his life making up for that. He is currently global director of naming and writing at Landor Associates, San Francisco.